Pinterest Monday 8/27
As a Navy wife, we move a lot. I've always kept an old binder of magazine clippings and paint chips which over time has now evolved into one of my favorite Pinterest board, called "Forever House".
This is the terminology military folks often use to describe where you will live when the military no longer tells you where to live. Some people know just where they will go, back to a home town, a favorite duty station or the location of the civilian job that comes next. DH & I both grew up moving so we often joke about our lack of roots, but this doesn't prevent me from planning the look of that mythical house. I guess I picture it somewhere in the south east. West of the Mississippi and South of the Mason-Dixon line. I'd like to have a magnolia tree and some pink dogwoods. Hostas, hydrangeas and a lovely porch or patio to enjoy it all. Beyond that it's all imaginary. So enjoy a few pics from my dream home. Happy Pinterest Monday!

Lovely brick homes on one story
Craft room
Beautiful built-ins 

Kitchen Essentials HUGE sink and big gas cook top

Must have- Giant soaking tub!

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