I also want to celebrate a milestone for my TTE Designs. Three years ago around the fifth anniversary of my conversion to Catholicism I heard a priest speak about an interdenominational organization called 'FOOD FOR THE POOR'.
His stories touched my heart and I wanted to do something to commemorate my journey. I decided that they would become my charity of choice. I began to make and sell rosaries and had some modest success.
Although I do this all year long, my biggest push is during Lent, which for Christians is a season of fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
This year I set a goal of $100 and added a series of polymer clay free standing and wall crosses to the rosary offering.
I am thrilled to say that I exceeded my goal! This past week after the Octave of Easter I am honored to send $120 to FFTP. This organization spends just .09 % on administrative costs, and 3.3% on fundraising that means 96% of the proceeds they take in actually feeds people.
$115 will help starving people world wide.
** Thank you to Kim O'D, Beverly E., the sweet little boy at a craft show who wanted the blue one for his first holy communion and the several anonymous clients who supported this effort through your purchase, I am truly grateful to you.
If you are interested in a custom rosary or cross, please contact me.
If that is not your cup of tea, no worries, but please consider making a direct donation to this worthy organization.
God Bless you and Happy Easter!
Congrats on exceeding your goal, Tammie... it's especially exciting when you think how the value of your donation is magnified when spent in the Third World.